Turnover ‘Tsunami’ is Expected Once the Pandemic Ends

Qlicket Mobile Dashboard

March 25, 2021

The Society of Human Resource Management (“SHRM”) earlier this month published an article on its blog, “Turnover ‘Tsunami’ Expected Once Pandemic Ends.” The author, Roy Maurer, writes:

More than half of employees surveyed in North America plan to look for a new job in 2021, according to a new report, while separate research shows that a quarter of workers plan to quit their jobs outright once the COVID-19 pandemic subsides and recruiting efforts ramp up.

There are various reasons for this expected turnover, but only 35% is due to better compensation and benefits, according to research commissioned by the Achievers Workforce Institute. This is consistent with our findings.

Do you know what factors are likely to contribute to voluntary turnover of your frontline workforce? How do you plan to retain your workforce as the economy reopens? Are you actively listening to your employees?

At Qlicket, we make it easy for you to hear from 10-30% of your workforce on a daily basis, for something entirely voluntarily and anonymous, through our kiosks. We also launched a new mobile dashboard, so if you want to connect real-time on the go with your deskless workforce, you’re able to do so!


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